Graded professional membership

Home Graded professional membership
Membership Graded professional membership
Graded professional membership recognises your achievements in the Lean Six Sigma industry, and awards you the designatory letters to match. Based on your experience and qualifications, and upon becoming a graded member (ACA, APM, APF), you can begin your route to becoming a Certified Lean Sigma Black Belt.


ALSSP Professional Associate – APATM

Who is it for?

Professionals currently in operational, supervisory or junior management roles within their organisation.


ALSSP Professional Associate – APATM A Lean Sigma Yellow Belt Qualification or 1-3 years' experience specifically in the LSS domain.

Membership fee

Annual - $120


ALSSP Professional Member – APMTM

Who is it for?

Experienced Lean Six Sigma professionals, managers and directors who are currently working at a strategic level within their organisation.


A Lean Sigma Green Belt Qualification or 3-6 years' experience specifically in the LSS domain.

Membership fee

Annual - $180


ALSSP Professional Fellow – APFTM

Who is it for?

Senior Lean Six Sigma experts, senior directors and consultants who are currently working at a senior strategic level across their organisation.


A Lean Sigma Black Belt / Master Black Belt Qualification or 6+ years' experience specifically in the LSS domain.

Membership fee

Annual - $240

Confused on how to apply for a membership? Contact a membership advisor:

Please note that all memberships are renewed on an annual basis and to keep your membership active, you will need to ensure that you complete at least 4 CPD activities* (Continuous professional development activities) annually. Click here to learn more about the CPD requirements.

*All members may be subject to a randomized audit to ensure that they have the proof of continuous professional development and it is true and valid.